An unforgettable journey: Lambeth College students shine on The Prince’s Trust Team Programme | South Bank Colleges
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At Lambeth College, students are continually encouraged to seek out opportunities that build their confidence, develop essential skills, and open doors to future success. One such remarkable opportunity is The Prince’s Trust Team programme, a 12-week personal development course that has left a lasting impression on all those who took part.

A Thrilling Start: Building Bonds and Setting Goals

The programme kicked off with an informal introductory day, where students met their teammates and participated in a variety of ice-breaking activities. This initial meeting was the perfect antidote to any first-day jitters, as students quickly found common ground and began forming friendships that would support them throughout the programme.

The first week was all about action and planning. Students outlined their personal and professional goals, identifying what they hoped to achieve by the end of the programme. This goal-setting exercise set the stage for the exciting and transformative journey ahead.

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Adventure and Teamwork: The Residential Trip

Week two took the students on an exhilarating residential trip. Away from the usual routines of home and college, students immersed themselves in activities designed to challenge and thrill. From archery to climbing, each task required teamwork, communication, and a sense of adventure. The residential trip not only provided unforgettable experiences but also solidified the bonds between team members, fostering a supportive and collaborative environment.

Making a Difference: Community Projects

Returning from their adventure, students spent the next four weeks planning and executing a project that would benefit the local community. Whether it was revitalising a public garden or creating inspiring multimedia content, each project was a testament to the students’ creativity and dedication. This segment of the programme allowed students to experience the satisfaction of contributing positively to their surroundings, all while gaining practical skills and experience.

Real-World Experience: Work Placements

Weeks seven and eight were dedicated to work placements. Students had the opportunity to apply their newly developed skills in real-world settings, exploring professions that intrigued them. These placements provided invaluable insights into various industries and allowed students to test their interests and aspirations in a professional context.

Preparing for the Future: CVs and Interviews

With the final weeks of the programme approaching, students focused on planning for their futures. They received comprehensive support in writing standout CVs, honing their interview techniques, and crafting compelling job applications. This preparation was crucial in equipping them with the tools needed to navigate the job market or further educational pursuits with confidence.

The Grand Finale: A Celebration of Achievements

The 12-week journey culminated in a celebration of progress. Students showcased their newly acquired skills and experiences through presentations, reflecting on their remarkable journeys and the personal growth they had achieved. This celebration was not just a conclusion but a powerful affirmation of how far they had come and the exciting futures that lay ahead.

Join the Adventure

The Prince’s Trust Team programme at Lambeth College has proven to be a transformative experience for its students, providing them with the confidence, skills, and qualifications needed to take their next steps towards work, education, or training. If you are looking to build your confidence, gain valuable experience, and make lasting connections, the Team programme might be the perfect opportunity for you.

If embracing the chance to learn, grow, and achieve with Lambeth College and The Prince’s Trust sounds like something that would enhance your future, drop Gavin Thomas, Prince's Trust Leader, a line at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to find out more.