At South Bank Colleges, we give the utmost priority to ensuring that our safeguarding provision is of high-quality and supports teaching and learning. We listen carefully to our students and take seriously what they tell us.
The Principal and senior managers take safeguarding and the prevent agenda extremely seriously and, with full support from Trustees, training is delivered regularly for all staff. Senior managers take a strong lead, with responsibility and accountability for safeguarding arrangements clearly identified. Managers’ scrutiny of safeguarding practices is thorough, with frequent monitoring and reporting and we pride ourselves on good-quality training that results in a confident workforce that is well equipped to promote safeguarding and the prevent agenda.
Staff at the college are committed to ensuring the safety of students and value the importance of supporting individuals to develop a better awareness of their own safety as well as proactively consulting learners about safeguarding arrangements. We have developed, prioritised and embedded a culture of putting students’ safety first.
Safeguarding arrangements are fully in place at all South Bank Colleges campuses and staff are dedicated to extending this practice to include premises where students work with employers. We also have strong collaborations, with a wide range of external agencies, to support safeguarding and the Prevent Agenda.
South Bank Colleges:
- identifies responsibility and accountability for safeguarding arrangements clearly and at a senior level,
- ensures that quality training results in a workforce that is confident and well equipped to promote safeguarding in a sensible and proportionate way,
- sharpens the focus of self-assessment to ensure that the impact of safeguarding provision is measured effectively,
- keeps abreast of changes to legal requirements and ensure that policies and procedures are revised accordingly.
Read our Safeguarding Summary (Adobe PDF: 450k)
South Bank Colleges Safeguarding Team
Out of Hours Safeguarding Guidance
Do you need urgent help while College is closed?
Are you worried about yourself, a friend or a relative?
Please use this guide - there are places that can help.
If you are feeling generally unwell, this can include mental as well as physical health issues, and you cannot be treated by over the counter medicines at home then your first port of call should be your GP who will talk to you about what will be most helpful and can refer you to the appropriate source of support.
However, if it is an emergency, for example:
- You or someone in your household are in immediate danger of harm
- You or someone in your household are seriously ill
Then call the emergency services (dial 999 and ask for the police or ambulance service) or visit Accident and Emergency or a Police Station.
If it is a non-emergency, but you require police presence, call 101
Metropolitan Police website
If you need to raise a concern about yourself or a child/young person under 18 or up to 25 with a learning difficulty or disability, contact social services:
London Borough of Lambeth
Telephone: 0207 926 3100
Out of Hours Tel: 0207 926 5555
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Brixton Police: 020 8649 2025
London Borough of Southwark
Telephone: 020 7525 1921
Out of Hours: 0207 526 5000 (24 hours)
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Southwark Police: call 101
London Borough of Croydon
Telephone: 020 8726 6464
Out of Hours: 020 8726 6400 (24 hours)
Daytime Emergency Telephone: 020 8255 2888 (For immediate attention)
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Croydon Police: call 101
If you require any other borough please Google the relevant borough’s Children Services Department for their contact details.
If you would like to speak with one of the College Safeguarding Team their contact details are below
- Gemma Dickson, Safeguarding & Welfare Co-ordinator, email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- The college safeguarding email is: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Useful Resources
Support for children, young adults and adults including those affected by sexual, emotional and physical abuse.
01708 765200
Help for adults concerned about a child.
0808 800 5000Childline
Line for children to talk about anything. No problem is too big or too small.
0800 1111 -
Mental Health
Online counselling service for young people – free, safe & anonymous support Well Centre
For young people aged 13-20
The Well Centre is a youth health centre where you can see a counsellor or doctor to discuss any of your health concerns or worries in a safe and confidential space.
Tel: 020 8473 1581
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.Mind
Mental health charity – for your local support network please visit their website below Wellbeing Hub
A service providing information and support to anyone living in Southwark who is worried about their wellbeing, or that of someone close to them.
Tel: 0203 751 9684, or if the mainline is busy: 07849 084368
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.Samaritans
Emotional support for people who are experiencing feelings of distress, despair or suicide.
08457 90 90 90 (24hrs) or use the Free Line 116123 - Domestic Violence
Drugs & Alcohol
Lambeth residents only who are aged 21 or under
Email - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.FRANK
Friendly, confidential advice about drugs and drug use.
0300 123 6600REHAB4ADDICTION
Alcohol/drug rehab, detox, intervention, aftercare and outpatient counselling.
0800 140 4690 -
Parental resources for Online Safety
Ineqe – offers general advice and guidance around online safeguarding:
Parent Zone – full of lots of resources and tips for positive digital parenting:
Common Sense Media – guides on safety of specific apps/games/films etc
Resources specific to radicalisation -
If you are worried your child might be being radicalised/caught up in an extreme group – they can get advice through this website -
Victim Support
Victim support
For anyone affected by crime in England or Wales.
0808 1689111
There are many more useful resources and links in our Induction Handbook on Moodle