English & Maths for 16-18s
Lambeth College is offering four different study programmes that focus on improving English, maths and employability skills.
Is this course for you?
All of the programmes have the following:
• Certificate in Employability as the main aim.
• English and maths (see below for levels).
• Award in Introduction to the learning environment – this will help you to adapt quickly to college life.
• Learning Development Coach (LDC) sessions – these will support you with the pastoral side of college.
In order to offer you a place on the correct programme, we need to know what qualifications you have achieved in English and maths. If you do not have any qualifications - that is fine, we will conduct an initial assessment (see Apply Now) to see what level of English and/or maths you should be working at – we will then be able to advise which programme would be the best one for you to enrol on.
The four different programmes are:
September start offers Functional Skills English and maths at E2 or E3, plus the following additional short courses:
• Award in Introduction to British Values.
• Award in Digital Skills.
• Internet Safety for IT users (optional).
November start (Option A): English and maths at GCSE level.
November start (Option B) offers Functional Skills English and maths at E3 or L1 plus:
• Award in Digital Skills.
January start offers Functional Skills English and maths at E3 or L1, plus:
• Award in Digital Skills.
What will you gain from the qualifications?
Certificate in Employability:
As the main aim of the programme is to increase employability skills, this course will help you to overcome barriers that are preventing you from getting work, learn new skills and knowledge in the area of employability. Modules that you will cover include:
• Action Planning to Improve Performance.
• Applying for jobs and courses.
• Preparing for and taking part in an interview.
• Building confidence and self-esteem.
• Induction to work.
• Using ICT in the workplace.
• Dealing with problems at work.
Award Introduction to the Learning Environment:
This short course is in all of the programmes. It will help you to adapt to studying in a college environment. You will gain understanding of health and safety in college, know who will support you, what your responsibilities are, and how to study and learn effectively.
What you will gain in English:
This will depend on the level of study, but you will be able to work towards achieving either a Functional Skills qualification or a GCSE (November start only). Regardless of level, you will develop:
• Increased confidence and ability to speak in front of others, give presentations and to take part in conversations on different topics.
• Improved reading skills, skimming and scanning techniques, gaining the gist of a piece of text and ‘reading between the lines’.
• Improved spelling and writing skills for a variety of different purposes, e.g. emails, report writing, letter writing.
What you will gain in maths:
This will depend on the level of study, but you will be able to work towards achieving either a Functional Skills qualification or a GCSE (November start only). Regardless of level, you will develop:
• General number skills and where appropriate, learn new method.
• Problem solving skills.
• How to use estimation and check work effectively.
• Work with metric measures.
• Read and interpret data in charts, graphs and tables.
There are also some additional qualifications alongside the Functional Skills programmes:
Digital Skills will enable you to gain some basic computer skills as well as focusing on how to use digital photography, music or social media.
Introduction to British Values will help you to understand the meaning of democracy, rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance.
Internet Safety (optional) will help you to understand the potential risks and threats when online, how you can use preventative measures to safeguard yourself and others, how to maintain data security and protect systems and devices and how to use safe practice guidelines and procedures.
What do the programmes entail?
• Attendance at initial assessment/interview session.
• Attendance at all lessons (100% attendance required – poor attendance during the first 6 weeks without good reason may lead to you losing your place on the programme).
• Self-directed study.
• Completion of all exams on the programme that you have enrolled on.
Entry Criteria
Applicants must be willing to focus on improving English, maths skills and work toward completing and achieving qualifications for all aspects of the programme.
The appropriate level for your course will be dependent on your previous qualifications, or the outcome of your initial assessment, as for English and maths, you should be studying at a level higher than you have already achieved.
You must be 16-18 years of age (or 19-24 years WITH and EHCP plan – this must be declared at assessment/interview stage).
• Passport or any document to show your residency status if you are not a British citizen or have not lived in the UK for 3 years.
Do I have to pay for the course?
• There are no course fees attached to this course, this is provided free of charge as long as you meet our eligibility and entry criteria.